The plotskydirecto function creates a directogram plot of a Tregenza sky hemisphere, where the line length and disc size are related to the reference unit.
See also: plottregenza
Parameter | Description |
data | Contains the to be plotted data as 145\times1 vector or 145\times2 matrix. The first column sets the directogram data, the second is for additional false-colours illustration, e.g. luminance and CCT in one illustration. |
clr | Specifies the disc colours: – 145\times3 matrix to specify each patch colour. – 1\times3 vector to specify an uniform patch colour. – ‘w’ for white – ‘gray’ for grayscales with colourbar – ‘clr’ for false-colours with colourbar (default) |
clabel | Specifies the colourbar label. |
view | Sets the camera viewing direction, 1\times2 vector [azimuth elevation], default [-40 33]. |
Plot sky directogram for CIE skytype 12 at sun azimuth \alpha_S = 166° and sun elevation \gamma_S = 33° in white:
L = ciesky(12,166,33); plotskydirecto(L,'w')
See also: ciesky

Plot sky directogram for CIE skytype 12 at sun azimuth \alpha_S = 166° and sun elevation \gamma_S = 33° in uniform colour:
L = ciesky(12,166,33); plotskydirecto(L,[0 0.5 0.7])
See also: ciesky

Plot sky directogram for CIE skytype 12 at sun azimuth \alpha_S = 166° and sun elevation \gamma_S = 33° in greyscales and set colour bar label:
L = ciesky(12,166,33); plotskydirecto(L,'gray','L in cd m^{-2}')
See also: ciesky

Plot sky directogram for CIE skytype 12 at sun azimuth \alpha_S = 166° and sun elevation \gamma_S = 33° in colour, set colourbar label and change camera viewing direction:
L = ciesky(12,166,33); plotskydirecto(L,'clr','L in cd m^{-2}',[0 90])
See also: ciesky

Plot sky directogram for CIE skytype 7 at sun azimuth \alpha_S = 135° and sun elevation \gamma_S = 33° in colour and additional data in false-colours:
L = ciesky(7,135,33); data = [1:145]'; plotskydirecto([L data],'clr','data',[0 90])
See also: ciesky
