The plotorder function plots several graphs in user defined colours, line styles and markers. The function allows the user to define different settings for each data set.
h = plotorder(x,y,clr,'parameter','value')
Parameter | Description |
h | Returns the graphic handle of the figure for further processing. |
x and y | Are vectors containing the to be plotted data. |
clr | Specifies the plot colour(s), n\times3 matrix. |
'linestyle' | Defines the line argument: ‘-‘ for solid line ‘:’ for dotted line ‘–‘ for dashed line ‘-.’ for dashed-dotted line |
'marker' | ‘*’ star ‘.’ point ‘+’ plus ‘o’ circle ‘x’ cross ‘s’ square ‘d’ diamond ‘^’ upward traingle ‘v’ downward triangle ‘<‘ triangle left ‘>’ triangle right |
Plot \mathbf{\alpha}-opic functions in shades of gray:
lam = 380:780; ref = ciespec(lam,'a-opic'); c = colors(5,'S',zeros(5,1)); plotorder(lam,ref,c) xlim([380 780]) legend('s_{sc}','s_{mc}','s_{lc}','s_{rh}','s_{mel}') xlabel('\lambda in nm') grid on

Plot standard illuminants D50, D65 and D75 with different linestyles:
lam = 360:830; spec = ciespec(lam,{'D50','D65','D75'}); c = colours(3); plotorder(lam,spec,c,'linestyle',{'--','-.','-'}); legend('D50','D65','D75') grid on