The ciespecagecorr function returns the age dependent ocular spectral transmission correction factors according to CIE S026:2018. Any errors in the data set or in results generated with the Lighting Toolbox are not in the liability of the CIE nor me, see licence.
[T,lam] = ciespecagecorr(age,lam)
Parameter | Description |
T | Returns the age dependent ocular transmission factors, vector or matrix. |
lam | Specifies the corresponding wavelengths, vector. Default: 300:5:700. |
age | Specifies the age, scalar or vector. |
Plot the spectral ocular transmission correction factors for a 50-year-old observer:
lam = 380:780; c50 = ciespecagecorr(50,lam); plot(lam,c50) grid on xlim([380 780]) xlabel('\lambda in nm') ylabel('relative spectral transmission correction') title('spectral ocular transmission correction - 50 y')

Plot the spectral ocular transmission correction factors for observers aged 10 to 100 in 10 years steps:
age = 10:10:100; lam = 380:780; t = ciespecagecorr(age,lam); c = colors(length(age)); plotorder(lam,t,c); grid on xlim([380 780]) xlabel('\lambda in nm') ylabel('relative spectral transmission correction') title('spectral ocular transmission correction') legend('10 y','20 y','30 y','40 y','50 y','60 y','70 y','80 y','90 y','100 y') specbar(380:50:780)
