

The ciespec2xyz10 function calculates the normalized CIE 1931 colour coordinates x,y,z for the 10 degree standard observer, for a given spectral power distribution (SPD). Any errors in the data set or in results generated from the reference data or the Lighting Toolbox are not in the liability of the CIE nor me, see license.


[xyz10,x10,y10,z10,XYZ10] = ciespec2xyz10(lam,spec)


xyz10Is a vector containing the normalized Tristimulus values.
x10Is a scalar containing only the normalized x component of the Tristimulus values.
y10Is a scalar containing only the normalized y component of the Tristimulus values.
z10Is a scalar containing only the normalized z component of the Tristimulus values.
XYZ10Is a vector containing the non-normalized Tristimulus values.
lamIs a vector specifying the spectral wavelengths steps.
specIs a vector or row-wise matrix containing the spectral power distribution(s).

Note: For several input spectra use a row-wise matrix.

Note: For the determination of Tristimulus values XYZ one can also use the ciespec2unit function with reference ’xyz10’.


Determine the normalized Tristimulus values for standard illuminant ‘D65’:

lam = 360:830;
spec = ciespec(lam,'D65');
xyz10 = ciespec2xyz10(lam,spec)

See also: ciespec


xyz10 =

   0.3138   0.3310   0.3552

Determine the normalized x and y component of the Tristimulus values for standard illuminant ‘D65’:

lam = 360:830;
spec = ciespec(lam,'D65');
[~,x10,y10] = ciespec2xyz10(lam,spec)

See also: ciespec, plotciexy


x10 = 0.3138
y10 = 0.3310

Determine the normalized x and y component of the Tristimulus values for standard illuminants ‘A’ and ‘D65’:

lam = 360:830;
spec = ciespec(lam,{'A','D65'});
[~,x10,y10] = ciespec2xyz10(lam,spec)

See also: ciespec


x10 =


y10 =


Determine the Tristimulus values for standard illuminants ‘A’ and ‘D65’:

lam = 360:830;
spec = ciespec(lam,{'A','D65'});
[~,~,~,~,XYZ10] = ciespec2xyz10(lam,spec)

See also: ciespec


XYZ10 =

   8.6372e+06   7.7717e+06   2.7360e+06
   7.5249e+06   7.9367e+06   8.5165e+06

Note: The same results can be achieved with the ciespec2unit function:

lam = 360:830;
spec = ciespec(lam,{'A','D65'});
XYZ10 = ciespec2unit(lam,spec,'xyz10')


ᔀXYZ10 =

   8.6372e+06   7.7717e+06   2.7360e+06
   7.5249e+06   7.9367e+06   8.5165e+06


ISO/CIE 11664-1:2019(E): Colorimetry - Part 1: CIE standard colorimetric observers. Commission International de l’Éclairage (CIE), Vienna Austria, 2019.

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