The specpeak function determines the spectral peak wavelength for any given spectral power distribution (SPD).
See also: speccentroid
sp = speccentroid(lam,spec)
Parameter | Description |
sp | Returns the spectral peak wavelength. |
lam | Specifies the wavelengths, vector or matrix. |
spec | Specifies the spectral power distribution(s), vector or matrix. |
Determine spectral peak of the V(\lambda) curve:
lam = 380:780; VL = ciespec(lam,'VL'); sp = specpeak(lam,VL) % plotting the result plot(lam,VL) grid minor hold on plot([sp sp],[0 1],'k--') xlabel('\lambda in nm') ylabel('relative SPD') hold off
See also: ciespec
sp = 555
Determine the spectral peaks of the α-opic functions:
lam = 380:780; spec = ciespec(lam,'aopic'); aopicpeak = specpeak(lam,spec)
See also: ciespec
aopicpeak = 448 541 569 507 490