

The specbandwidth function determines the bandwidth of a narrowband spectral power distributions (SPDs) at one half peak maximum or other thresholds.


[sbw,lam1,lam2] = specbandwidth(lam,spec,threshold,method)


sbwIs the returned spectral bandwidth
lam1Returns the left side of the spectral bandwidth
lam2Returns the right side of the spectral bandwidth
lamIs the input vector or matrix containing the wavelengths, row-wise
specIs the input vector or matrix containing the spectral power distribution, row-wise
thresholdDefines at which percentage of the peak at which the bandwidth is to be determined, default: 50.
methodDefines the interpolation method, used to determine the wavelengths:
‘linear’: Linear interpolation from nearest neighbours (default)
‘pchip’: Piecewise cubic Hermite interpolating polynomial—shape-preserving interpolation with smooth first derivative
‘cubic’: Cubic spline interpolation—smooth first and second derivatives throughout the curve


Determine the spectral bandwidth of the V(\lambda) curve:

lam = 380:780;
VL = ciespec(lam,'VL');
sbw = specbandwidth(lam,VL)

See also: ciespec


swb = 100.39

Plot the spectral bandwidth for V(\lambda) at 75% peak height:

lam = 380:780;
VL = ciespec(lam,'VL');
threshold = 75;
[sbw,lam1,lam2] = specbandwidth(lam,VL,threshold);

% plotting
hold on
grid minor
plot([lam1 lam1 lam2 lam2],[0 threshold threshold 0]./100,'--k')
text(lam1+(lam2-lam1)/2,(threshold+5)./100,['bw = ',num2str(sbw),' nm'])
xlabel('$\lambda$ in nm')
ylabel('relative SPD')
hold off

See also: ciespec, texify


Determine the spectral bandwidth of the α-opic functions:

lam = 380:780;
spec = ciespec(lam,'aopic');
sbw = specbandwidth(lam,spec)

See also: ciespec


sbw = 52.709    93.698   113.072    94.990    84.439

Determine the spectral bandwidth of the α-opic functions using ‘pchip’ interpolation:

lam = 380:780;
spec = ciespec(lam,'aopic');
sbw = specbandwidth(lam,spec,50,'pchip')

See also: ciespec


sbw = 52.711    93.696   113.071    94.991    84.436

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